Sunday, March 18, 2012

Chevron Intervention Time

Perhaps you remember this sweater that I finished recently.  The awesome Hollywood Herringbone Pullover by Kate Gagnon Osborn.

Then I recently attended a quilting workshop.  The pattern was a Jacob's Ladder Quilt but unfortunately half way through the workshop something just wasn't gelling for me and I decided that if I was going to put in the time to make a quilt I had to like the finished result.  So I scrapped the nine patch segments, rearranged the half square triangles, and am now putting together something that looks like this:

Finally, let us look at the knitting project currently on my needles.  The oh-so-awesome Delancey Cardigan by Alexis Winslow which I am doing as knit-a-long with a friend (I posted about having the yarn for this  a g e s  ago and finally took the plunge and cast-on).

Knitting this in Berocco Ultra Alpaca and so far it is coming out absolutely delicious!

Hmm, notice any striking similarities between these?  I obviously keep getting drawn to the zig zags.  Heck, it's even the background on my blog!  In my defense, I'm not the only one to jump aboard the chevron train.  Pinterest has been blowing up with chevron for awhile now.  Do you find yourself drawn to similar patterns, colors, or styles time and time again?  Do I need a chevron/zig zag intervention?

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