These beauties are a traditional Latvian pattern written out by Lizbeth Upitis. Known as "Graph 53" they are knit on fingering weight yarn on very, very, tiny needles. I'm planning on doing them in a cream with a soft purpley-pink color called "lantana."
I'm very happy to say that I've made a lot of progress on my Vine Yoke Cardigan and have managed to finish the right front and am ready to move onto the sleeve. While I love making progress on it, the sweater is about to reach the cumbersome "I'm too big and unwieldy to get thrown in your bag" stage which means I can't take it with me and work on it on the T and during breaks at work or school. Now enter... The Portable Project (said with a lot of fanfare, maybe even a trumpet).Continuing with the theme of "little yarn and smaller needles" these mittens are called Sundagsvotter by Strikkepanja. You can probably guess by the title that it was originally published in a language I do not speak, however there is an English translation which I'm hoping I'll be able to muddle through.
Those who know me are most likely familiar with my mitten obsession. For several years I could only knit hats, and my family soon said "enough hats!" luckily they do not yet feel this way about mittens. Mittens are just a great project, small, portable, relatively fast, but fun and intricate enough to keep you engaged. Plus they're a fantastic way to try out new techniques like colorwork, cables, or lace.This is another great Elli Stubenrauch creation named "Squirrelly Swedish Mittens" for obvious reasons. I love Elli's whimsical patterns and this is a free one to boot! Oh and of course, tiny yarn and tiny needles for this pattern as well!
Given my propensity for mittens, and the fact that my family has not yet put a kibosh on receiving them, Christmas 2010 is the year of the mittens! I've already had a lot of fun picking out patterns for people and will have to start knitting early. For this last Christmas I started knitting in February and I still had one project that had to be finished after the holidays and my sister didn't get anything knit. That means her project will be first on my list (to be fair she has a November birthday and did get mittens for that occasion) to make up for last year.This is just one of the many SpillyJane patterns I have decided my family has to have, these "Owlmittens" were too cute for me to pass up, and following the theme, they are also knit with tiny yarn on tiny needles.
So while my sweater is too unruly for travel, a series of mittens will be riding shotgun for my knitting pleasure. I can't tell which pattern is for whom but I'm pretty excited about what I picked. I think I'm also going to knit every mitten pattern Spilly Jane has every designed (not really but I do have at least three of her patterns selected for the great mitten marathon!)Time to dash and take my knitting with me!