Sunday, February 19, 2012

Absentee blogger

Oh my, a whole year? A whole year of blogger absenteeism? I have good reasons, I promise!

That whole getting married thing was very exciting but time consuming, I also got an awesome new job which has been keeping me busy, and I've started getting into fitness and working out more. All of this has combined to me having less time/energy to be crafty and also less enthusiasm to document said craftiness. I do have projects I've completed though, and I've started a whole new crafting endeavor: quilting. So as a way to force myself to be more creative and spend less time just watching Downton Abbey (can you blame me? the show is amazing!) I'm going to try to get back into the blogging. Here's hoping the next post from me is in a week and not in a year!

Now more pictures of my completed Hollywood Herringbone Pullover:

I have a few plans for upcoming posts so stay tuned for more deets on this sweater, a recently finished beret, some more folk mittens (it's not an addiction if I can stop knitting mittens anytime I want, and I can), recent sources of crafty inspiration, and my full day quilting workshop!